Mlb Dog Jerseys, Or Zen And The Art Of Family Togetherness
I'm the only one in my house who is not a die-hard sports fanatic,Cheap Nfl Jerseys. My husband grew up in Brooklyn, and is a huge Mets fan. My youngest son, in accordance with his mother's Southern roots, loves Jeff Gordon. I may be from the South, but he sure didn't get his obsession with Nascar from me. My oldest son should be the president of the local chapter of the New York Giant's fan club, because I've never seen someone who gets as crazy as him during football season, and most recently, when Eli Manning won the Giants the Super Bowl this year. Given the wide and varied array of sports fans that live under my roof, you can probably imagine that I get to witness a number of sporting events every year--usually via TV, but sometimes I am even made to attend the real thing.
I thought I had some non-sport-loving allies in the dogs, but one day I came home to discover that even they had crossed over to the dark side. Sequoia, our Newfoundland, was proudly adorning a Jeff Gordon Nascar dog collar. His head held high, eyes drooping and tongue hanging out, he was the picture of Nascar pride. Millicent, our daschsund, was sporting one of the two NFL dog collars we had around the house--she was wearing the Giants one, and I'm pretty sure the other one was for the Steelers. And finally, in comes Walter, my beloved Pomeranian (whom no one else in the family favors quite like I do), wearing the second of the NFL dog collars, in addition to one of those MLB dog jerseys my husband showed me on the Internet. She looked so funny in her Steelers collar and Mets jersey! As disappointed as I was to learn that my dogs had joined the ranks of sports fans in my house, I couldn't resist the urge to take pictures of them in all of their spirited glory.
Obviously,Ed Reed Youth Jersey, one of my sons had gone around and put sporting regalia on all of the dogs, but as I was looking for my camera, I was surprised when my husband and both of my sons emerged from the stairwell, laughing,charles woodson jersey packers. They had all gone around with the NFL dog collars, the Nascar dog collar and the Mets jersey to dress up a dog in each of their favorite team's colors. They told me that since I mentioned that I still had the dogs on my side, they had to convert the dogs over to sports fans before it was too late. I rebutted by telling them that no matter how many MLB dog jerseys you put on Walter, he will always be a mama's dog.
So we all had a good laugh,Jimmy Graham Jersey 2012, and I proceeded to take a ton of pictures of the boys and the dogs goofing off. Then my husband decided that we should all get dressed up in team wear and take pictures as a family,Nike Haloti Hgata Jersey. At first my sons rolled their eyes, but then dashed upstairs to get decked out. I didn't feel I had a strong enough affiliation with any team to purchase any supportive clothing,Article Alley_Where to Buy an LSU Personalized Jer, but I did have a tee shirt from the local ladies' roller derby team, who I always enjoyed watching and supporting with my girlfriends,Article Blast_Building A New Franchise_456,Maurice Jones Drew Youth Jersey,Article Alley_seoeditor_888. So there you have it. Me in my roller derby tee, my husband in his Mets sweatshirt, my sons in their Nascar and NFL stuff, and the dogs in all of their team spirit wear--the NFL dog collars, one of the funniest (but cute) MLB dog jerseys I've ever seen, and of course, Sequoia in his Nascar dog collar. We were a sight to behold.